Saturday, 23 May 2009

our end result which im very happy with, looks very proffesioal although we may play with placement a little

me and lynsey finally deciding on a height for our work in our space then trying to hang it.

lynsey and myself looking from either end deciding how the plynths and her crate should be positioned before painting, was important to get the space to flow and keep access

deciding a last minute way of presenting the work, as though it was a text book where you can see the different body systems, i feel this was very effective but the works needed to be shown seperately.

these are the two drawing that i have been working on with a view to putting theminto the fina show, the creature above is called fonsericius and the creature below is called a zyphit.

this is my favourite of the plans for sculptural books, and in my opinion he most successful which is why i chose to show this

this is the way i have finally decided to show all my creature sculptures, it is also closely linked to my book sculptures and has cabinet of curiosity links.

this book sculpture is mimicking cabinets of curiosites and links all of my sculptural work together.

Friday, 24 April 2009

the design that im going to be sending to overnight prints, this will be white on white, and this image will be shiny, with all my contact details on the back.

Thursday, 23 April 2009

this was the design for our poster that i put forward, it incorporates the arrow we decided to use to guide people to our show and doesnt show one persons work over another, but has a celebratory feel

my research

all of my research has had strong influences on my work, but nothing being exactly what ive produced,

Brian Dettmer Adaptations

this was all about sculptural books, which is what i was really interested in. it showed me the potential books had as a sculptural object. and got me wondering if this could be the outcome of my project.

Charles Avery adelphe

this was very influencing on deciding that my creatures needed somethinf deeper and convincing, this is what got me to talk to a latin tutor to help me createsome names for my creatures and lynseys as she will be exhibiting with me as we have cross over of ideas. his work creates a world for his creatures. which is where i woud start to take these creatures into the future.

Deborah simon

her work roost go tme to thinking about the outside of my creatures, this is where i decided to work with lynsey mitten as she was creating creatures from another perspective, i let her put flesh and skin onto my winged creature the zyphit. this work also got me to think about creating a a sculpture of my creature.

lurel roth

as im thinking about my work being instaltional im looking at roth, whos work is an installation of sculpturs of bones and cells in display cases, which is similar to the work i am creating. but its the way everything is displayed that im really focusing on, such as space and lighting.

Meryl Donoghue

'once upon a lie' was really useful work, unfortunatley i only saw this on th net as the gallery was closed when i tried to visit. her work is showing hybrid human animal creations which has parrallels with my work, she has used print which i had originally thought of using in my work but decided against, also she has used digital imagery to create the creatures from pencil drawings. i created some of mine from collages of skeletons.

Steve Steely

his work has simalar themes to mine and lynseys installation and joint work. my creatures havent been placed in time for definite and could be past or future evolutionary strains. his work is how the animals of earth adapt to the human race leaving.

Sunday, 19 April 2009

Thursday, 9 April 2009

Friday, 13 March 2009